Monday, February 14, 2011

Wistfully Pondering

" Wistfully Pondering "

by Suzán Jiván
for My Swan
on St. Valentine's Day

Verse One: " Slick but Soulless "
Slick but soulless
as a notion
of waning moments
of the unknown
Verse Two: A Different Ending
A different ending
at the helm
of the forever
Verse Three: Consequential
Consequential exceptions
as momentously prophetic
lessons of a tenuous plenty
Verse Four: Being Trendy
Being trendy
to the self
as the better
Verse Five: Given a Dignity
Given a dignity
as an originally
elliptical prediction
Verse Six: Wistfully Pondering
Wistfully pondering
an obliging child
with vocal lines
Verse Seven: Treated Seriously
Treated seriously
since its premiere
with vivid realism
Verse Eight: A Touching Workaday
A touching workaday
any other way

Can be viewed on YouTube
as " Slick but Soulless "...

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